Wednesday, August 4, 2010

T Minus 8 Days and Counting

My little family is moving to Bend, Oregon. As we prepare for our interstate relocation, it seems a good time to establish a blog. After all, everything else will be new and different. Maybe it's time for a new medium of contact with friends and family as well.

I've blogged in the past. Ineffectively. Inconsistently. To date, there's nothing that I've felt passionate about that I could dedicate myself to sitting and committing it to memory in this format. I mean, I love my son. But his care has been all consuming until recently. I haven't had the time and energy to blog about his development and care. I'm sure that will bleed into this. But for now, my intention is to communicate my experience about our move north.

To start, here are some photos.


  1. good luck with the move maddie (and d and t too)

  2. Looks like there's a back yard. That'll be lots of fun for T and if you like that sort of thing, gardening is fun! I can't tell you how exciting it's been to see the progress on the veggies we've planted.

    So glad we got to hang out last night. xoxo
