Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm Actually Beginning to Really Like It Here

From an email I sent a friend today...
I'm actually beginning to really like it here. Of course, I miss you and my other friends and family. But this place is so much more in line with my personality. I realized that yesterday when I was invited by the second farmer in two weeks to go and visit his farm. You can go and dig up your own potatoes if you like. (Fun for the kids.) When I left the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) pick-up point yesterday I had a bounty of veggies (kale, summer squash, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, onions) and fruit (strawberries and apples) plus local honey and pastured meat (pork & beef) and pastured eggs and fresh, locally produced and pasturized (not homogenized) milk in glass jugs. I LOVE this part of Bend. We can drive 4 miles to a farm here, while still enjoying the convenience of suburbia. Of course, MOMA and The Academy of Sciences and the Zoo are hours away. But for day-to-day living, it's nice to be somewhere where people are so damn friendly to each other.
I really want(ed) to post photos of the local goods, but I just got the photos loaded and now Tristan is awake. Soon friends. Soon.

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